Great Visit

Main visit

Chagall at Rheims by Charles MARCQ

One of the most beautiful masterpieces of the gothic art of the 13th century.

A national shrine, where King Clovis was baptized and may kings were crowned, a symbol of the fatherland during the First World War, and of Franco German reconciliation.

You are entering a holy place which speaks about God… and about you, about all of us, His people, about our past and future.

Marie welcomes you in this place where
she has been venerated for 1600 years.

1  On the ground : plaque to commemorate Franco-German reconciliation
2  The Smiling Angel
3  Supposed site of the baptism of King Clovis
4  Reception room
5  Choir clock
6  Grand organ / North Rose Window (the Creation)
7  Cathedra (seat of the Bishop)
8  High Altar / in front altar for the Service
9  Lady Chapel : place for meditation and prayer (blessed Sacrament)
10 Statue of John Baptist de La Salle
11 North entrance : baptism of King Clovis
12 Statue of Joan of Arc
13 Far-end midle Chapel / Chagall Window (1974)
14 Retable of Death and Resurrection (16th century)
15 Entrance to the Palais du Tau
16 Sacristy – Champagne window (1954, J. Simon)
17 South rose window (Resurrection)
18 Baptistry
19 Cardinal’s Chapel

Pope John Paul II came here on September 22nd, 1996


Further information :

The present Archbishop is Mgr Thierry JORDAN


The Cathedral in the Archbishop’s seat.
There have always been Christians in Rheims since the time of the first bishops, St Sixtus and St Sinice (3rd century).

Among them, over the centuries :

- St Nicaise, who built the first cathedral devoted to Mary and died a martyr in 407.
- St Remi (15th Bishop of Rheims), the Apostle of Gaul, Belgium and Rhineland (?530). He baptized King Clovis.
- Gerbert who became Pope under the name of Sylvester II (the Pope of the year 1000).
- St Bruno, the Master of the Cathedral school, who fonded The Charter House (1035-1101).
- Blessed Nicolas Roland, an apostle of education (1643-1678) who founded The Sisters of the Infant Jesus.
- St John Baptiste de La Salle, the founder of the De La Salle Brothers (1651-1719).
- Several forefathers of « Social Catholicism » in France (end of the 19th century).

The Cathedral is a meeting place and a place for prayer. As it has welcomed many saints throughout history, it still brings together today’s Christians to tell them of God’s love for every baptized person and for all men and women.

- Masses for Sundays and Holy Days : 9 a.m. Cardinal’s Chapel (19), 10.15 a.m. High Altar

- Week-day Masses : 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Saturdays 8 a.m. (Center back Chapel)

The Blessed Sacrament is in the Rosary Chapel (9). It is open for meditation and prayer.

A priest is available in the Reception Room (4). Times are indicated on the door.

Presbytery address :
1, rue Guillaume de Machault, 51100 Reims.
Tél. : 03 26 47 55 34 – Fax : 03 26 77 94 64

Also well worth a visit :
- The Palais du Tau, the former palace of the Archbishops, where the original statues which were removed from the cathedral, the treasury of the coronations, and the cathedral tapestries are to be seen. The entrance is near the sacristy (15).
- The Basilica St Remi where the relics of this great bishop, the Patron Saint of the city are displayed. It was consacrated by Pope Leon IX in 1049.

For further information on the cathedral, guides are on sale (in several languages) at the counter to the left of the entrance.

More :
Complete visit
Chagall at Rheims by Charles MARCQ


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